Parks and Trails

Experience nature, breath in the fresh air and stretch your legs while playing outdoors on our trails and in our parks in Highlands East.


Whether you like to walk or run, ride a bike, a horse or an ATV, one of Highlands East's trails is sure to please.

The Prospector Trail Loop 

The Prospector Trail Loop is a trail with a tale of prospectors and miners who came in the 1920's-1950's for molybdenite and flourite and discovered uraninite; the richest ore of radium. The route encompasses long abandoned mine sites such as the Harcourt Graphite mine, the Dwyer, Schickler, Tripp and Clark mines; long lost to the undergrowth. Take time to explore the rock cuts on the Old Burleigh Road and the IB&O for black tourmaline, blue apatite and deep purple flourite.

Learn more about the Prospector Trail

More Trails

Explore Paddling the Waters of Highlands East

Park information

For locations of features in the parks of Highlands East, view the facilities map.

Cardiff Park

In the community of Cardiff at 2 Balsam Road is the municipality's only outdoor swimming pool. The park also features playground equipment, a picnic pavilion and, in the winter, an outdoor skating rink.

Glamorgan Park

Located at 1043 Community Centre Road, Gooderham, Glamorgan Park boasts walking paths by the scenic Irondale River, basketball and tennis courts, a baseball diamond and public washrooms

Herlihey Park

Through generous donation, Council of the Municipality of Highlands East accepted 7.05 acres of land located on Dark Lake (the former Wilberforce Veneer Property) for parkland designated Herlihey Park.

Highland Grove Park

Located at 5373 Loop Road beside the community centre, library and Kidd School House Museum, the park in Highland Grove has a soccer field, horse shoe pits, basketball court and swings.

Tory Hill Park

Located at the intersection of Highway 118 and County Road 503, this little park is located on the IB&O Rail Trail where you can take a scenic walk along the shore of McCue Lake. The park has playground equipment, picnic tables and toilet facilities.

Wilberforce Park

Located beside the municipal offices in Wilberforce at 2241 Loop Road, the Wilberforce park has picnic tables, playground equipment, basketball and tennis courts and a baseball diamond.

Silent Lake Provincial Park

At the eastern boarder of Highlands East is Silent Lake Provincial Park where you can enjoy camping, hiking and a non-motorized lake.